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Upcoming symposium to address municipal income tax issues

Written on Feb 9, 2024

The Ohio Society of CPAs is one of the sponsors of a symposium on March 6, 2024, from 1:00 – 4:00 PM to discuss and address the tax issues arising from increased remote work. The in-person symposium (no virtual option) will be hosted by Capital University Law School, 303 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. There is no cost to attend, and three hours of CPE will be offered. Members can register here.  

The symposium will bring together national, state, and local experts to discuss what states, localities, and employers can do to address the challenges from withholding for remote, hybrid, and mobile workforces and the revenue impact arising as individuals routinely work outside the office.  

Greg Saul, OSCPA director of tax policy, has been serving on the planning committee. The discussion will summarize statutory, case law, and administrative developments with an emphasis on identifying best practices for governments, employers, and employees to respond to changing conditions. A brief agenda of the topics and panelists speaking can be downloaded here.  

REGISTER NOW: Don’t miss out – join us for this in-person symposium on March 6 for an in-depth discussion on the municipal income tax issues arising from increased remote work by registering today

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