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Week in Review: Nov. 19, 2023

Written on Nov 17, 2023


The DeWine administration announced guidelines Tuesday for its $125 million innovation hubs program, with communities able to submit proposals beginning Jan. 5, 2024. The program is targeted for small and medium-sized Ohio cities, as Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland already have innovation districts. The hubs are meant to use existing industry and research strengths to "build sustainable pipeline talent and commercialize new products and technologies," according to the administration. The goal is to create jobs, increase STEM talent, attract research funding and secure outside capital investment. To qualify, communities must designate a lead entity to represent a group or consortium of industry partners. The lead applicant must establish collaborations among a university or research-oriented organization, private sector industry partners, nonprofit or business development organizations, and political subdivisions. Cities in Hamilton, Cuyahoga and Franklin counties are not eligible.


The Governor's Executive Workforce Board met Tuesday, with members voting unanimously to create the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State Plan Committee and the Public Benefits Review Committee. The quarterly meeting also saw updates on implementation of the FY24-25 budget given by Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, child care initiatives as discussed by Ohio Department of Children and Youth (DCY) Director Kara Wente and remarks from Gov. Mike DeWine.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted announced Thursday that 480 employers were approved for funding in the September round of TechCred, which will enable Ohioans to earn 5,289 tech-focused credentials. It was the 22nd round of the program, and sets a record for most employers awarded and credentials funded. The November application round is currently open until Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023 at 3 p.m. Top industries receiving awards in September included manufacturing, construction, and transportation and warehousing services.

This feature was provided by Hannah New Service and selected for you by OSCPA Government Relations Staff.

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